Adoptive Couple in Arizona

We are so excited to introduce you to this amazing, home study-approved (and certified to adopt) Purl Same-Sex Adoptive Couple in Arizona: Johnathan and Bobby! This unique family is built on love, adventure and learning.

Since the early days when they met, they have spoken at great lengths about how they would like to adopt a child and grow their family. Johnathan has two cousins that were adopted and they have many friends with adopted children, so they have spent a lot of time listening to and learning from them.

Johnathan has a passion for cooking and Bobby does the dishes, which allows them to partner in making delicious meals regularly. Johnathan and Bobby love to travel; they were married in Mexico and enjoy going abroad to discover new and different places that may seem foreign to most Americans. This Same-Sex Adoptive Couple in Arizona enjoy being active; playing pickleball, hiking, skiing, and getting exercise, but they also know how to chill-out with a movie night or reading (Bobby read over 40 books last year).

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption for their child, we hope that you will think of this Same-Sex Adoptive Couple in Arizona, Johnathan and Bobby. To learn more about them, download their family profile. If you want to reach out to them directly, you can call/text them at (480) 525-7413 or email them by filling out the form below.