We are so excited to introduce you to a new home study approved (and certified to adopt) Purl Family, Daniel and Scott! This couple lives in Arizona, and they are thrilled to grow their family through adoption. On their first date in 2013, Daniel describes hearing the words, “you’re done,” in his mind. He was “done”, because he knew during that lunch he had found his person in Scott. They were married in front of friends and family in 2017 almost five years to the day from their first date.

put up baby for adoption Today, Daniel and Scott enjoy spending time with their friends and family, working on house projects together, and snuggling with their three dogs to watch their favorite shows on TV. Daniel works as an small business owner from home, and Scott works as an academic advisor. Daniel and Scott can’t wait to open their home to their future child – they are ready to hug, to teach, to nurture and to love this little life with all that they are and all that they have.