We’re so delighted to introduce you to this marvelous home study approved Purl Family from Minnesota: Nick and Rachel! They met in 2011 while both attending college in Wisconsin and became inseparable ever since. 5 years later they were married and have enjoyed many adventures together; from new cities and jobs to new vacations and new routines as a married couple. They absolutely can’t wait to grow their family and start many new traditions!

Minnesota Hopeful Adoptive Family Nick says Rachel is selfless, loves all unconditionally and is always looking out for others. She is a highly passionate person who puts family above everything else. He knows she’ll be a wonderful mother and he can’t wait to watch her raise their future children. In Rachel’s words, Nick is the kindest, most caring and patient person she knows. He cares very deeply for everyone he meets and always finds a way to help those in need. Rachel can’t wait to watch him become a father and raise their children with the same morals and ethics he portrays everyday. Nick and Rachel have fostered over 10 dogs through a local dog rescue, showing them love until they find their permanent homes. Something else they enjoy doing together is working on their home, making it their own through renovations and lots of love. After learning that they are unable to have children biologically, Nick and Rachel knew adoption was the path they were meant to take. They have so much love to give and cannot wait to grow their family through adoption.