Things I did wrong in my domestic infant adoption journey as a prospective adoptive parent

Hi there! Happy Friday! This is Katie, CEO/Founder of Purl. As I have discussed before, I was pretty naïve as a brand new prospective adoptive family, and I had little education/preparation from the adoption professionals we worked with in our quick adoption process. But in hindsight, there are quite a few things I did wrong as a prospective adoptive parent in my own domestic infant adoption journey. If you are a prospective adoptive parent, or an adoptive parent, you may also have made the same mistakes.

At the beginning of my journey, I did have some personal experience with adoptees within my family, but had not listened to widespread adoptee voices outside of my family before adopting. Since then, I’ve immersed myself and have tried to gather experiences from so many different voices in the triad and have learned that I have done A LOT wrong in my own adoption journey. I’m still learning as well, but over the next month I’m going to be sharing my perspective as to many things I did wrong on some of the following topics, in order to help you do better than I did in my adoption journey, and even the early years as a parent through adoption. Here’s a sneak peek of some of the things I’ll be discussing where I went wrong:

– naming a child through adoption
– celebrating “adoption days”
– assessing “risk” and “failed” adoption
– our openness on race in our journey
– trauma and infant adoption
– sharing our adoption story
– adoption language used

Stay tuned to learn more about all my mistakes as a prospective adoptive parent in my own domestic infant adoption journey 😳🤣!

Things I did wrong in my domestic infant adoption journey as a prospective adoptive parent

Hi there! Happy Friday! This is Katie, CEO/Founder of Purl. As I have discussed before, I was pretty naïve as a brand new prospective adoptive family, and I had little education/preparation from the adoption professionals we worked with in our quick adoption process. But in hindsight, there are quite a few things I did wrong as a prospective adoptive parent in my own domestic infant adoption journey. If you are a prospective adoptive parent, or an adoptive parent, you may also have made the same mistakes.

At the beginning of my journey, I did have some personal experience with adoptees within my family, but had not listened to widespread adoptee voices outside of my family before adopting. Since then, I’ve immersed myself and have tried to gather experiences from so many different voices in the triad and have learned that I have done A LOT wrong in my own adoption journey. I’m still learning as well, but over the next month I’m going to be sharing my perspective as to many things I did wrong on some of the following topics, in order to help you do better than I did in my adoption journey, and even the early years as a parent through adoption. Here’s a sneak peek of some of the things I’ll be discussing where I went wrong:

– naming a child through adoption
– celebrating “adoption days”
– assessing “risk” and “failed” adoption
– our openness on race in our journey
– trauma and infant adoption
– sharing our adoption story
– adoption language used

Stay tuned to learn more about all my mistakes as a prospective adoptive parent in my own domestic infant adoption journey 😳🤣!