
  • Arizona adoption

The Adoption Home Study Process in Arizona

2024-08-28T10:07:10-07:00August 28, 2024|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Home Study, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Learn, Uncategorized|

Since Purl Adoption Advisory is based in Arizona, we are contacted by a lot of prospective adoptive families interested in domestic infant adoption that live in Arizona. We advise families on the adoption process and beginning the AZ home study process required to adopt a non-relative child. The home study process in Arizona is different from other state's processes as Arizona requires that all Arizona families be certified by the Arizona courts in order to be approved to adopt a child. Arizona also requires that a licensed agency conduct the home study, rather than an independent social worker allowed in some other states. The agency who conducts the home study evaluation and writes up a written home study report will also include a written recommendation to the Arizona court to approve (or disapprove) a family for an adoption certification. Therefore, there is an added step in an Arizona home study process for domestic adoption where they must be certified by a court. This added step can also increase the length of time it takes to become home study approved/certified to adopt in Arizona.  Click here to read more about the home study process in Arizona.

  • fears about open adoption

Insecurity About “Mom” and Fears About Open Adoption

2023-05-21T16:02:22-07:00May 17, 2023|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Perspectives, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Open Adoption (Learn), Uncategorized|

As Mother's Day approached, I (Katie - CEO/Founder of Purl) tried unsuccessfully to get this blog post up. Because Mother's Day is complicated for so many people, including those touched by adoption. I struggled to organize my thoughts about my own insecurity with my own motherhood through adoption and how that related to my fears of open adoption. While it has been relatively easy for me to share my other mistakes in my adoption journey, this was one area that was especially hard for me.  Maybe it was due to embarrassment, but after the 10th draft, here are my still scrambled thoughts... The mistake I'm discussing today centered around my own insecurity about the role of  "Mother", and how that impacted my adoption journey and even the early years of my child's open adoption. Click here to read more.

Featured Purl Team Member – Director of Graphic Design

2022-04-05T14:03:39-07:00September 28, 2018|Uncategorized|

Most of you who know me (Katie) personally know that I’m not nearly creative or talented enough to create the gorgeous profile and adoption outreach materials that we have for Purl, but I’m smart enough to hire someone who does!

Today, we are featuring the amazing woman behind most of the graphic design work for Purl, Director of Graphic Design, Alison (Ali) Alvidrez.

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