There is much to know about the adoption process. Knowing what questions to ask and what specifically to research can be a difficult task on its own. We have put together a library of articles that you can start with.
Problems in Domestic Adoption and Purl Filling a HUGE Gap
What a week it has been! Please excuse the rant that follows as I (Katie - CEO/Founder) share some of my frustrations about the current state of the world of domestic infant adoption. Whether it be recently explaining to an agency director why I won't recommend their licensed adoption agency that routinely ships the expectant mothers they work with across lines to their "adoption friendly" state, or having to justify the work that Purl is doing as an adoption advisor in a sea of unethical adoption professionals, I'm frankly exhausted and questioning why I make the huge effort to do the work I do. Today I candidly some of my thoughts on the problems with the current state of domestic adoption and explain again what Purl is doing to fill the HUGE gaps caused by other adoption professionals. Click here to read more.