There is much to know about the adoption process. Knowing what questions to ask and what specifically to research can be a difficult task on its own. We have put together a library of articles that you can start with.
An Adoptive Mom’s Hope for an Open Adoption
An adoptive mom and guest blogger anonymously shares her hopes for an open adoption.
It has been two years since I’ve seen my daughter’s birth mother. Two years since I’ve heard from her. We had as open of an adoption as you can imagine. We shared with one another. She was gracious in including me every step of the way. I made her OB appointments, I drove her to them, she allowed me next to her for every exam, every decision that was made. We talked about our pasts, our dreams, our futures, our fears. I had the privilege of coaching her through childbirth and welcoming our daughter into the world together. But then things changed, click here to read more.