Funding Your Adoption

Funding Your Adoption

2023-07-19T16:06:34-07:00November 20, 2019|Adoption Education, Domestic infant adoption, Funding Your Adoption|

Domestic infant adoption can be really expensive. I wrote about the variability in the adoption costs awhile back in detail, but generally adoption costs vary by state and by the type of professionals that are involved in your adoption (agency, attorneys, etc.). Adoptive Families conducts a survey of average adoption costs every two years, and found that in 2016-17, the average total adoption cost for an Agency Adoption was $43,239, and the average total cost for an attorney adoption was $37,829. This includes home study, advisor and post placement costs, but obviously greatly exceeds the Adoption Tax Credit numbers for 2020 of $14,300 (and it phases out for families with modified adjusted gross income of $214,520).

The Adoption Tax Credit

2022-04-01T17:16:50-07:00April 15, 2019|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Funding Your Adoption|

Happy Tax Day! If you’re a prospective adoptive family, you might be interested in learning more about the Adoption Tax Credit and how you might benefit from it if/when you incur expenses relating to the adoption of a child. The credit, which has been part of federal tax law since 1997, allows adoptive families to defray some of the costs incurred when they grow their families through adoption. It has helped bring together hundreds of thousands of families, many of whom would not have been able to grow their families through adoption without it.

The Truth About Adoption Costs

2023-07-19T16:00:13-07:00April 4, 2019|Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Funding Your Adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

Are you considering adoption, but are unsure of the various costs you may incur in order to adopt? The costs you might see in a domestic infant adoption will vary considerably depending on the type of adoption (private/independent, attorney, or agency adoption) and the state from which you are adopting. The adoption professionals recommended by Purl typically have adoption opportunities with total costs (including home study related costs) ranging between $8,000 and $50,000, with the majority falling between $25,000 and $37,000. In this article, we break down the types of costs prospective adoptive parents may incur during their adoption journey.

The Adoption Tax Credit

2022-04-01T17:28:27-07:00June 20, 2018|Adoption Education, Funding Your Adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

If you have adopted a child or are considering it, you may already know about the Adoption Tax Credit. The credit, which has been part of federal tax law since 1997, allows adoptive families to defray some of the costs incurred when they grow their families through adoption. It has helped bring together hundreds of thousands of families, many of whom would not have been able to grow their families through adoption without it. 

Why Hire An Adoption Advisor?

2023-07-19T15:09:00-07:00March 22, 2018|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Adoption Profile, Domestic infant adoption, Drug/Alcohol Exposure, Funding Your Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Open Adoption (Learn), Transracial Adoption (Learn)|

Adopting a baby is wonderful, awesome, fulfilling experience, but it can also be very HARD! The process itself can be intimidating, and most don’t know where to begin once they make the decision to grow their family through Because of this, we believe that the most efficient, safest and least lonely way to adopt is by utilizing an adoption advisor for your adoption. We hold your hand throughout the adoption process. 

The Adoption Tax Credit

2023-07-19T15:06:30-07:00September 29, 2017|Adoption Education, Funding Your Adoption|

If you have adopted a child or are considering it, you may already know about the Adoption Tax Credit. The credit, which has been part of federal tax law since 1997, allows adoptive families to defray some of the costs incurred when they grow their families through adoption. It has helped bring together hundreds of thousands of families, many of whom would not have been able to grow their families through adoption without it.

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