Embryo Donation/Adoption

  • Our Services

Our Services in 2025

2025-01-14T18:55:46-07:00January 2, 2025|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Process, Adoption Profile, Domestic infant adoption, Drug/Alcohol Exposure, Embryo Donation/Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Learn, Open Adoption (Learn), Transracial Adoption (Learn)|

This post describes Purl Adoption Advisory's services for prospective adoptive families in 2025. These adoption advisory services are coaching/consultations for prospective adoptive families and profile design services for domestic infant or embryo adoption journeys. This article also discusses our current pricing for our 2025 services.

Adoption is NOT Surrogacy

2023-09-15T13:02:50-07:00September 14, 2023|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Perspectives, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Drug/Alcohol Exposure, Embryo Donation/Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Infertility, Learn|

In this article, Purl Founder, Katie Zimmerman, aims to shed light on a pervasive misconception: treating adoption as if it were surrogacy. Prospective adoptive parents, particularly those looking into domestic infant adoption, must understand that the two paths are not interchangeable, particularly when it comes to interacting with expectant mothers. This article explores the key distinctions between surrogacy and adoption to equip prospective adoptive parents with the insight they need for a respectful and ethical adoption journey. Click here to read more.

The Basics of Embryo Adoption and Embryo Donation

2022-06-01T14:18:47-07:00June 1, 2022|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Process, Embryo Donation/Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Infertility, Learn|

The domestic infant adoption world is crowded and families are taking longer to match and adopt. There really is no need for more prospective adoptive parents, and we have heard statistics there are likely 50-75 waiting prospective adoptive families for every baby being placed for adoption at birth. Because of that reality, many couples and individuals have turned to embryo donation/embryo adoption, another assisted reproduction method to grow a family, but potentially at a lower cost and with different considerations than domestic infant adoption. While we are not assisted reproduction attorneys, we wanted to give you some basic information on embryo donation/adoption to consider before beginning a domestic infant adoption journey or an embryo donation/adoption journey. To learn more about this potential way to grow your family, click here.

Donor Conception and its Impact on Future Generations

2022-06-08T13:51:10-07:00October 2, 2021|Adoption Education, Embryo Donation/Adoption, Infertility, Open Adoption (Learn)|

Purl’s Director of Graphic Design, Ali Alvidrez, has been helping families adopt through profile and outreach material design for Purl for over four years. Ali is the only member of the Purl Team who is not a member of the adoption triad. However, Ali’s family experience with assisted reproduction is relevant to the impact of embryo donation/adoption on future generations. As Purl expands into guidance in embryo donation/adoption, Ali felt compelled to share her personal experience on the impact of donor conception on her definition of “family'“ today. In this blog post, Ali shares her relationship to a biological half-sister through assisted reproduction.

Who Should Consider Embryo Adoption?

2022-04-05T14:32:37-07:00June 1, 2021|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Process, Embryo Donation/Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Infertility|

The domestic infant adoption world has changed significantly in the last few years, but particularly since the pandemic began. There are less domestic adoption opportunities and many more prospective adoptive families waiting to adopt than usual. In many ways that is positive, if it means that pregnant moms are able to parent their children. But it can be very difficult for families looking to grow their families through adoption. Because of that, many families have turned to embryo donation/adoption, another assisted reproduction method to grow a family, but potentially at lower cost and with different risks than traditional infant adoption. There are hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos nationwide, with many available immediately for closed to open donation/adoption for families able to carry a pregnancy to term. So the question is, who can potentially find success with embryo donation/adoption? This article will give you some factors to consider when deciding if embryo donation/adoption is right for you.

What about Embryo Adoption?

2022-06-08T13:54:04-07:00April 16, 2021|Adoption Advisor, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Embryo Donation/Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Infertility|

Today, we are sharing our own experience researching and pursuing embryo adoption after our first adoption opportunity disrupted. We are sharing this in part to educate you on embryo adoption as a potential option to grow your family, which can work for many families who have experienced infertility. But we are also considering offering a limited coaching package to guide families through their options associated with embryo adoption and then help them navigate the embryo adoption process, assuming domestic infant adoption is not the right route for them. Click here to read more and to share your thoughts on whether this service is currently needed in this space.

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