Drug/Alcohol Exposure

Protecting Your Child’s Adoption Story

2022-04-01T17:21:50-07:00February 21, 2019|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Perspectives, Drug/Alcohol Exposure, Open Adoption (Learn)|

When you are an adoptive parent, you are bound to get questions from friends, family and strangers alike about the details of your child’s adoption story, particularly if you have adopted transracially. As a mom of two girls only eight months apart in age (and currently the exact same height), I can’t seem to get out of a public place without questioning stares and at least one person asking me how I managed to get two such adorable, but completely different  looking children. I have never had a trip to Costco with the girls without someone asking me where Cora’s adorable auburn curls and gorgeous brown eyes came from.

Why Hire An Adoption Advisor?

2023-07-19T15:09:00-07:00March 22, 2018|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Adoption Profile, Domestic infant adoption, Drug/Alcohol Exposure, Funding Your Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Open Adoption (Learn), Transracial Adoption (Learn)|

Adopting a baby is wonderful, awesome, fulfilling experience, but it can also be very HARD! The process itself can be intimidating, and most don’t know where to begin once they make the decision to grow their family through Because of this, we believe that the most efficient, safest and least lonely way to adopt is by utilizing an adoption advisor for your adoption. We hold your hand throughout the adoption process. 

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