Adoption Outreach

The Impact of COVID-19 on Adoption Today

2022-03-30T18:31:44-07:00April 2, 2021|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

If you’ve been following us awhile, you may have read our updates over the past year on the impact of COVID-19 on adoption. If you missed them, you can check out our first update in late March 2020 and a later update in July 2020. Now that more and more people are getting vaccinated and many states have reopened, you are likely interested in knowing how COVID-19 is continuing to impact adoptions. Here is a quick post to consider the status of adopting in and after a pandemic. Click here to learn more. 

What to do during your adoption wait…

2022-03-30T18:37:23-07:00March 18, 2021|Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

Adoption is hard. There is a lot of waiting involved. Waiting to start the process, waiting for the home study, waiting for the home study approval (certification), waiting for adoption opportunities, waiting to be chosen, waiting for the baby you have been chosen for to be born, waiting for consents to be signed, waiting for the consents to be irrevocable, waiting for finalization… There are lots of different emotions and feelings throughout the process but one consistency is the wait. It feels like there is even more waiting than usual as the pandemic seems to have increased the number of prospective adoptive families looking to adopt, at the same time we are seeing less adoption opportunities than usual. So what should YOU do while you wait??? Click here to read more.

Agency vs. Direct Placement Adoptions

2022-04-01T07:28:14-07:00February 18, 2021|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Funding Your Adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, we know there are a lot of terms used in the adoption community that the average person doesn’t know or understand, so we’ll be discussing these on our social/blog for the next few months, as time permits. Did you know that there are typically two types of adoptions available in domestic infant adoption: agency adoptions and direct placement adoptions (often referred to as private or independent adoptions), and do you understand the differences? Do you understand when you might use one versus the other? Did you know that some states allow direct placement adoptions and some do not? Click here to learn more about type of adoption.

Adoption Outreach Basics

2022-04-01T16:42:42-07:00November 15, 2019|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

Are you a prospective adoptive parent that is waiting for an attorney or agency to match you with an expectant family considering adoption for their child? Are you a couple who isn’t totally comfortable self-matching or advertising yourself online, or maybe paid advertising isn’t legal in your state? I always encourage my Purl families who are home study approved to at least do what I call “Adoption Outreach Light”, which basically means that you are spreading the word to friends, families and colleagues that you are hoping to adopt, but maybe not doing any sort of active marketing or paid advertising. I encourage my Purl families to give their contacts a simple way to pass along more information about their family in the event they learn of someone facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption for their child (ie. a copy of a short profile or a link to a website where they can learn more). Adoptions that result from friends and family connections can be great opportunities for prospective adoptive parents and expectant families, and are often much less expensive than adopting through an adoption agency.

Finding Hope in Adoption and Parenting

2022-04-05T14:51:14-07:00October 31, 2019|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Perspectives, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

This is a guest blog post written by Amy Stewart, mom through adoption to five children, Pediatric RN, and founder of Hope in Adoption, LLC.

After five pregnancy losses and years of failed fertility treatments, my journey to parenthood felt hopeless. The pain, grief, and loneliness I was experiencing felt too much to bear. It seemed everyone around me was celebrating carefree, successful pregnancies with ease. As my husband and I considered adoption as an opportunity to grow our family, the extensive process quickly became legally, financially, and emotionally overwhelming. Yet adoption seemed to provide hope in a time of darkness and despair. As a Registered Nurse and parenting educator, I started Hope in Adoption LLC to provide evidence based research parenting education and parenting support to all, including traditional, adoptive, and same-gender parents. My mission is to help everyone adopt parenting tools that work.

The Amazing Adoption Community on Instagram

2022-06-13T11:17:36-07:00September 19, 2019|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Perspectives, Adoption Process, Hoping to Adopt|

If you’re a prospective adoptive parent, you may have already learned that there is an amazing adoption community on Instagram. You can learn from and connect with all sides of the adoption triad through this platform. I definitely recommend my Purl families follow various professionals and influencers in the adoption community on Instagram to prepare themselves further for their own adoption journey, listening to perspectives from adoptees and birth mothers in particular. I find that competitors are collaborating and supporting each other to educate prospective adoptive families and the general public about adoption, and I find that so refreshing. To see some of my favorite adoption influencer accounts on Instagram, read more!

Google Ads: More Exposure = More Opportunities for a Match

2022-04-01T16:58:37-07:00August 21, 2019|Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Perspectives, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

What if you could give your adoption profile to an expectant parent who is considering adoption at the exact moment she is asking herself, “How do I place my baby for adoption?” What if you could do this 40, 60, or even 80 times? Each month! This is what Google advertising offers adopting parents.

Google Ads is an online advertising platform. It encompasses several different types of ad approaches, but for simplicity (and I believe they’re the best type for adopting parents), we’ll focus on pay-per-click, or PPC ads.  To learn more, click here.

The Adoption Profile and How it is Used in the Adoption Process

2022-04-05T07:40:02-07:00July 30, 2019|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Adoption Profile, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

Recently, I watched the Red Table Talk where Jada Pinkett Smith and her mother, Adrienne Banfield Norris, hosted former Sex and the City star Kristin Davis for a talk about transracial adoption. I really enjoyed this podcast and think it can help many families considering transracial adoption (I look forward to including a post just about transracial adoption soon). However, one thing I found really interesting about this podcast was that both Jada and her mom were very surprised that the birth mothers for Kristin’s two African American children had actually chosen Kristin to raise their babies. That made me realize that there are probably many other people that don’t understand the domestic adoption process, and that it might help to educate about how adoptive parents are typically chosen - usually through the use of an adoption profile. To read more, click here.

10 Ways to Boost Your Adoption Outreach

2022-04-05T14:09:04-07:00February 27, 2019|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Adoption Profile, Hoping to Adopt|

Adoption outreach refers to all of the actions that prospective adoptive families can take to find and be found by expectant parents considering an adoption plan for their child. Adoption outreach can range from simply telling friends and family to help spread the word that you’re looking to adopt, to leveraging various social media platforms, to paid advertising (where it is legal to utilize it).  Here are ten ideas for DIY adoption outreach that help get the word out about your desire to adopt (and some will even help fund your adoption as well):

What is Adoption Outreach and Should We Be Utilizing It?

2023-07-19T15:50:16-07:00June 1, 2018|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Adoption Profile, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt|

Adoption outreach refers to all of the different steps a prospective adoptive family can take to find and be found by expectant parents considering an adoption plan for their child. It can range from just telling friends and family to spread the word, to leveraging various social media platforms, to paid advertising.

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