This discusses the role of an adoption advisor in a domestic infant adoption process. An adoption advisor is a coach, planner, guide for an adoption process, providing guidance and education on all aspects of an adoption journey.
The Basics of Embryo Adoption and Embryo Donation
The domestic infant adoption world is crowded and families are taking longer to match and adopt. There really is no need for more prospective adoptive parents, and we have heard statistics there are likely 50-75 waiting prospective adoptive families for every baby being placed for adoption at birth. Because of that reality, many couples and individuals have turned to embryo donation/embryo adoption, another assisted reproduction method to grow a family, but potentially at a lower cost and with different considerations than domestic infant adoption. While we are not assisted reproduction attorneys, we wanted to give you some basic information on embryo donation/adoption to consider before beginning a domestic infant adoption journey or an embryo donation/adoption journey. To learn more about this potential way to grow your family, click here.